This HBO miniseries came out in 2008 and went on to win an Emmy for its visual effects work. CafeFX’s breakdown is inspirational even now (as I type this 6 years later). The quality of the vfx in this series are nothing short of film grade, pretty impressive given the tight deadline constraints you get when working in television. They used Softimage XSI for the cg work, tracked in Boujou, Syntheyes and 3D Equalizer, and comped in After Effects and Digital Fusion (who said you can’t comp in After Effects, …as always if you have talented artists, the software in this day and age really doesn’t matter).
FXGuide has a article about the making of it here:
The poster image for this posting is from a tutorial series on After Effects which has an interview with CafeFXs VFX Supervisor and lead artist from the show (you have to subscribe to see the video but a transcript of the interview can be read there for more about the making of the production), the link is below:
Apr 2 2014
John Adams TV Miniseries VFX Breakdown
This HBO miniseries came out in 2008 and went on to win an Emmy for its visual effects work. CafeFX’s breakdown is inspirational even now (as I type this 6 years later). The quality of the vfx in this series are nothing short of film grade, pretty impressive given the tight deadline constraints you get when working in television. They used Softimage XSI for the cg work, tracked in Boujou, Syntheyes and 3D Equalizer, and comped in After Effects and Digital Fusion (who said you can’t comp in After Effects, …as always if you have talented artists, the software in this day and age really doesn’t matter).
FXGuide has a article about the making of it here:
The poster image for this posting is from a tutorial series on After Effects which has an interview with CafeFXs VFX Supervisor and lead artist from the show (you have to subscribe to see the video but a transcript of the interview can be read there for more about the making of the production), the link is below:
By admin • Behind the Scenes, Inspirational •