The “step up to nuke” videos were a series The Foundry put together in 2013 to help After Effects users get used to the Nuke way of working. The jump from a layered based comper to a node based one can be quite a shock to the system (as can going from nodal to layer), so it was great they made this series. More
Apr 6 2014
The Foundry’s After Effects To Nuke Training Series (2013)
The “step up to nuke” videos were a series The Foundry put together in 2013 to help After Effects users get used to the Nuke way of working. The jump from a layered based comper to a node based one can be quite a shock to the system (as can going from nodal to layer), so it was great they made this series. More
By admin • After Effects, Nuke, Tips, Tricks and Tutorials • • Tags: after effects, foundry, nuke, tutorial